Articles about SentenceShaper

Below is a list of journal articles about SentenceShaper. Please contact us with any inquiries or if you would like reprints. This list can also be found in our “Overview of SentenceShaper Research”, a short summary of research about the program that can be downloaded from the “Manuals and Guides” page of this website.

Publications in refereed journals:

Linebarger, M.C., Schwartz, M.F., Romania, J.F., Kohn, S.E., & Stephens, D.L. (2000). Grammatical encoding in aphasia: Evidence from a “processing  prosthesis”. Brain and Language, 75, 416-427.

Linebarger, M.C., Schwartz, M.F., & Kohn, S. E. (2001). Computer-based training of  language production: An exploratory study. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 11(1), 57-96.

Linebarger, M.C., McCall, D., & Berndt, R.S. (2004). The role of processing support in the remediation of aphasic language production disorders. Cognitive  Neuropsychology, 21, 267-282.

Linebarger, M.C., & Schwartz, M.F. (2005). AAC for hypothesis-testing and treatment of aphasic language production: Lessons from a processing prosthesis. Aphasiology, 19,  930-942.

Bartlett, M.R., Fink, R.B., Schwartz, M.F., & Linebarger, M.C. (2007).  Informativeness ratings of messages created on an AAC processing prosthesis.  Aphasiology, 21:5, 475-498.

Linebarger, M.C., McCall, D., Virata, T., & Berndt, R.S. (2007). Widening the temporal window: Processing support in the treatment of aphasic language production. Brain and Language, 100, 53-68.

Fink, R.B., Bartlett, M.R., Lowery, J.S., Linebarger, M.C., and Schwartz, M.F. (2008) Aphasic speech with and without SentenceShaper: Two methods for assessing informativeness. Aphasiology, 22, 679-690.

Albright, E., & Purves, B. (2008) Exploring SentenceShaper: Treatment and augmentative possibilities. Aphasiology, 22, 741-752.

Linebarger, M.C., Romania, J.R., Fink, R.B., Bartlett, M., & Schwartz, M.F. (2008) Building on residual speech: A portable processing prosthesis for aphasia. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 45:9, 1401-1414.

Dahl, D.A., Linebarger, M.C., and Berndt, R.S. (2008) Improving automatic recognition of aphasic speech through the use of a processing prosthesis. Technology and Disability, 20, 283-294.

McCall, D., Virata, T., Linebarger, M., & Berndt, R.S. (2009) Integrating technology and targeted treatment to improve narrative production in aphasia:  A case study. Aphasiology,  23(4), 438-461.

True, G., Bartlett, M. R., Fink, R. B., Linebarger, M. C. & Schwartz, M. (2010). Perspectives of persons with aphasia towards SentenceShaper To Go: A qualitative study. Aphasiology, 24(9), 1032-1050.

Published abstracts of conference presentations:

Linebarger ,M.C., Romania, J.R., Kohn, S.E., Schwartz, M.F.,& Locatelli , D. (1998) Competence versus performance in agrammatic production: Evidence from an Augmentative communication system. Presented to the annual meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Santa Fe, NM, October 1998. Brain and Language, 65, 199-202.

Linebarger, M.C., Schwartz, M.F., Kantner, T., & McCall, D. Promoting access to the Internet in aphasia. Presented to the annual meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, New York, NY, October 2002. Brain and Language, 83, 169-172.

McCall, D., Linebarger, M.C., & Berndt, R.S. (2002) Retraining narrative production: Impact of processing support. Presented to the annual meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, New York, NY, October 2002. Brain and Language, 83,172-175.

Unpublished but available online:

Albright, Erin (2006) Investigating sentence shaper: a processing prosthesis. Masters thesis, Audiology and Speech Sciences, University of British Columbia. Available from

Schwartz, M.F., Linebarger M.C., Brooks R., Bartlett M.R. (2007) Combining assistive technology with conversation groups in long-term rehabilitation for aphasia. Unpublished manuscript, Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute. Available from