John S., a research scientist, has experienced paragrammatic speech and difficulties with reading and writing following a stroke. He uses SentenceShaper to create well-formed, spoken sentences — the program lets him play back his speech, listen to it carefully, and polish it until it is correct. He then transcribes these spoken utterances into the program’s Caption Box. Using a screen reading program along with SentenceShaper, replica rolex pearlmaster he reads his text aloud and then compares it with his spoken recordings, to make sure that they match. In this way, he is able to create both spoken and written utterances that others can understand, and he feels that it is helping him to improve his reading as well.
In a recent email, he wrote: “So! It is working really well!! It is amazing how quickly it makes my sentences get better… It is also just beginning to make my reading starting to follow better. That is a surprising. It took only an hour-and-quarter to write this email. Before this month it would take me a day or two days to make email reasonably readable. whereas now they are almost usable grammar. I do about 2 hours the every day on the SentenceShaper.”