Manuals & Guides

On this page, you can view, print, or make copies of the Manual and other documents.  You may also want to view the ‘How-To Videos’in our Video Gallery for short (2-3 minute) demonstrations of how to use the program.

The Manual: You can view or download the SentenceShaper 2 Manual in PDF format. Note: This document is created automatically from the program’s onscreen help system, so the formatting is not ideal and the links may not always work. Remember that you can also view the Manual from within SentenceShaper by clicking the Help Button. Click here to view or download the Manual.




Research report: The research report is an informal summary of research about SentenceShaper, including a list of publications about the software. SentenceShaper was developed and studied in over a decade of research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other organizations, in collaboration with internationally recognized neuropsychologists.  Click here to view or download the Research Report.




Quick Start ‘Crib Sheet’: This is a one-page summary of how to create speech with SentenceShaper. (Another way to get up and running quickly is to view the two Tutorial Workbooks within the program. The first time you run the program, you will be set to run the first of these tutorials.) Click here to view or download the ‘Crib Sheet’